

  • Restricting determiners: conservativity and negative counterparts
    • Talk presented at the workshop "Does semantics have a too many tools problem?", September 20.
    • Slides.
  • Mixed-polarity pluralities: a solution to van Benthem's problem
    • Poster presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 29, Noto, Sicily, September 17.
    • Poster.
  • Mixed polarity pluralities
    • Talk given at the LAGB annual meeting, Newcastle University, August 29.
  • Nominal Free Choice
  • On the monotonicity of attitudes.
    • Joint work with Tanya Bondarenko.
    • Invited talk at the Bochum Language Colloquium, June 18.
  • Prospects for a Trivalent Approach to Presupposition: the Case of Conditionals
    • Joint work with Alex Kalomoiros.
    • Talk given at TLLM 2024, March 29.
  • On the monotonicity of attitudes: NPIs and clausal embedding
    • Joint work with Tanya Bondarenko
    • Talk given at NELS 54, MIT, January 26.


  • On the monotonicity of attitudes: NPIs and clausal embedding
    • Joint work with Tanya Bondarenko.
    • Presented at PhLiP 8, November 11.
  • Finding strength in contradiction
    • Invited talk at PALLMYR workshop, UCL, November 18.
  • Gluts in the logic of anaphoric dependencies
  • Disjunctive donkeys and overlapping updates
    • Poster presented at SALT 33.
    • Poster.


  • Anaphora and simplification
    • Joint work with Yasu Sudo
    • Talk given at ZAS semantics circle.
    • Slides
  • Anaphora and simplification
    • Joint work with Yasu Sudo
    • Talk given at the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf, Meaning in Language colloquium series.
    • Slides
  • Against simplification: free choice with anaphora
    • Joint work with Yasu Sudo
    • Talk given at SuB 2022
    • Slides
  • Partee conjunctions and anaphora with free choice
  • Disjunction in a predictive theory of anaphora


  • Meaning in linguistic theory: formal semantics and Montague grammar
    • MIT Quest meaning representation workshop, September 11.
  • Intensionalizing abstract meaning representations: non-veridicality and scope
    • Joint work with Greg Williamson and Yuxin Ji.
    • Talk given at the LAW-DMR 2021 workshop, November 10-11.
    • Paper
  • A scopal theory of pied-piping in relative clauses
  • Externally dynamic dynamic semantics
  • Trivalent foundations for a logic of anaphora
    • Invited job talk given at MIT.
    • Slides
  • Radical successive cyclicity and the freedom of parasitic gaps
    • Joint work with Colin Davis
    • Talk given at LSA, January 8.
    • Handout


  • What linguists can learn from functional programmers: a study in opacity and environment sensitivity
    • Talk given at MIT CompLang, December 8.
  • Classical negation in a dynamic alternative semantics
    • Invited talk at LENLS 17.
    • Slides.
  • Coreference, negation, and modal subordination
    • Talk at Rutgers SURGE meeting, October 27.
  • Crossover and the dynamics of negation
    • Talk at NYU semantics group, October 9.
  • Generalized crossover
    • Joint work with Yasu Sudo.
    • Talk given at SALT
    • Slides
  • A flexible scope theory of intensionality


  • Nesting habits of flightless wh-expressions
    • Invited talk given at the workshop Complex wh-expressions in Nantes.
  • Two souls of disjunction
    • Talk given at the workshop Asymmetries in language: presuppositions and beyond in Berlin.
  • Binding back to the future
    • Joint work with Yasu Sudo.
    • Talk given at the workshop Asymmetries in language: presuppositions and beyond in Berlin.
  • Nuclear intervention: deriving Beck effects via cyclic scope and local exhaustification
    • Joint work with Uli Sauerland.
    • Talk given at the workshop Exhaustivity in questions and answers in Tübingen.
  • Nuclear intervention: towards a unified account of weak islands and Beck effects
  • The dynamics of ellipsis identity
    • Joint work with Yasu Sudo.
    • Talk given at the workshop SLUICING+@50 in Chicago.
  • Fuck compositionality
    • Invited talk at the DGfS workshop Encoding emotive attitudes in non-truth-conditional meaning in Bremen.
    • Slides
  • Two souls of disjunction: making dynamic semantics (more) explanatory
  • Movement as higher-order structure building


  • Deriving dynamic disjunction
    • Talk given at the FB IV workshop, ZAS Berlin.
  • Arguments and attitudes
    • Guest lecture at the semantics of attitudes seminar series, UCL.
  • On Prior's substitution problem
    • Talk given at the UCL workshop on attitude predicates.
  • Embedded exhaustification and plurality: two case studies
    • Talk given at UCL.


  • An algebraic theory of attitudes
    • Talk given at LENLS 14.
  • Arguments and attitudes
    • Talk given at the FB IV workshop, ZAS Berlin.


  • Ellipsis identity and the alternative tier
    • Talk given at Leipzig University.
    • Handout
  • Nested which-phrases: consequences for the syntax of wh-scope
    • Talk given at the IGG 42, Lecce.
  • Nested wh-questions and the locality of scope-taking
    • Talk given at ConSOLE XXIV, York.
  • Severing everything: substitution failures, and their consequences for the theory of argument structure
    • Talk given at UCLA syntax round table.
    • Handout
  • Embedded declaratives as modifiers
    • Talk given at SuB 21, University of Edinburgh.
    • Slides
  • Explaining DPs vs. CPs without syntax
    • Talk given at CLS 52, Chicago.
    • Handout
  • Explain and the semantics of embedding
    • Talk given at London Semantics Day.
    • Handout
  • Rethinking the semantics of embedding
    • Talk given at the FB IV Workshop, ZAS Berlin.
    • Handout
  • Propositional content of events and individuals
    • Poster presented at NASSLLI 2016.
    • Poster
  • Selection without Syntax
    • Poster presented at OLINCO 2016.
    • Poster


  • Optimizing the ellipsis site
  • E-type readings of quantifiers under ellipsis
    • Joint work with Yasu Sudo.
    • Poster presented at SuB 20.
    • Poster.
  • Discourse even vs. attitude even
    • Joint work with Elin McCready and Yasu Sudo.
    • Poster presented at SALT 25.